Why Do Radio Stations Play the Same Songs?
(too old to reply)
2010-06-20 14:02:24 UTC
x-no-archive: yes

Radio stations play the same songs because people want them to. What? Well,
that's what the Program Directors and Djs will tell you. It's all based on
research statistics and advertising. People like what's familiar. And that's
how commercial radio make their money: research, advertising, and 'knowing'
the consumer.

People complain about hearing the same music over and over on the radio, but
still tune in to the same stations. Why? Because they don't know any better.

After college, most people don't have the time to go to concerts and shows,
and consume music as they did when they were younger. Jobs, families,
schedules -- life get in the way. And after college, if people do buy music,
or go to concerts and shows, it's usually what they're familiar with. As
time goes on, they might start to feel a little old. And these are the
people who might be a bit more willing to see shows at larger venues, and
pay higher prices. After a while, paying attention to any 'scenes' or trends
might not be as important, or they start losing touch of the underground (if
that's what they were into). They still might consume music via buying CDs,
file sharing (i.e. Limewire), or Itunes, but the music seems to become more
commerical. And commerical radio, all dressed up in what's 'hot', supported
by its research, study such trends. Just like other industries, commercial
radio uses marketing research and statistics to advertise to the consumer.

Most people don't listen to the radio, or at least the same station for more
than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. If they do, it's usually passively, either
at work, on the way to work, school, or wherever. And even if people will be
listening to music for a longer period of time, it's usually via CDs, or MP3

Research tools such as Arbitron, look at age groups and gender. 18 - 34 year
olds ('age of consumption'), will consume music differently than younger
people, or 35 - 55 year olds. And this is part of how media companies
determine music formats in a market (city or town). Media companies and
radio stations also research attitudes and interests of the consumer, with
companies such as Scarborough. These companies research the consumer's
activities, ethnicity, income level, etc. And once the media company has a
good 'profile' of the consumer, then their projected research tells them how
to market and advertise to that consumer, in nice, majority-based packaging.
That's why, despite different formats in commercial radio, no matter where
you go in the country, most commercial radio will sound similar, or the

So, why do commercial radio play the same songs all of the time? Research.
People seem to like the familiar. Many people, if they go to a bar, or some
place where there is live music, seem to request, or play the most popular
and familiar songs. And (commercial) radio is only reflecting that.

As someone who's been in college radio, studied communication and media, and
did radio sales and advertising for commercial stations for Clear Channel, I
heard that question repeatedly. Here's another angle. Music labels usually
send radio stations singles. They may also send the full CD. But if they do,
they are instructed -- encouraged by the label, what song to push, I mean
play. Djs don't play what they want. Those days are long gone. The Program
Director programs the music, and the schedule. The Dj does announcements,
push buttons to play commercials (especially if there is not a board
operator), tries to sound cool, and make talent appearances, often at an
advertiser's event, usually set up by the Account Executive (radio sales
rep.). The most popular music is played during 'drive times' (6A - 10A; 3 -
7P), when most people are going to, and coming from work, and/or school.
These are also when advertising rates are at their premium. 7P - Midnight,
and overnight (Midnight - 6A), is when you might here 'deeper' cuts, or less
popular music. Specialty programs are usually played during these times as
well. Advertising rates are the cheapest. Audience size just isn't there.

There's an old saying in college radio. People who love music don't listen
to the radio. No matter how much commercial radio say, or pretend that
they're different, it's the same old crap, different pile. Most people who
love music, and happen to listen to radio, usually listen to to left end of
the dial. This is where college radio, NPR (National Public Radio), and
'independent' radio usually is. There is where you most likely will hear
more non-commercial and local artists, 'deeper' cuts, and more independent,
and varied formats. You might actually get the song that you requested,
actually played on the radio. The Dj usually has more freedom of choice what
to play as well.

With commercial radio, you really don't hear formats such as House,
bluegrass, and jam music/bands for example. They're such specialty music.
But who knows, the industry probably hasn't learned how to market them
effectively yet. Those audiences tend to be fiercely independent. It took
the industry a while to hook independently minded 'alternative' music such
as punk and hardcore. After they did, the industry very skillfully packaged
it, marketed it, stamped it with a label, sold it, put it on commercial
radio and TV, and made a whole lifestyle and culture out of it (i.e.
X-Games, MTV, etc.). And commercial radio reflects that lifestyle.

But this happens. Just as the industry finds something once underground and
raw as Elvis, Nirvana and Tupac, they find a way to package and market it to
the masses, while the underground cries foul, and move on to something else.
And that's the beauty of tools like internet and satellite radio. There's a
real choice. Perhaps this is why those who really love music, don't listen
to commercial radio; there really isn't much choice. Perhaps it's a very
snobbish, and elistist thing to say, but listening to commercial radio is
really like the same old crap, just a different pile.

Shabazz Wilson

2010-06-20 23:34:47 UTC
Yup, like anything it is a business. It's a formula - like movies, TV,
magazines. In every major American made movie it's the same plot,
different people - evil white-haired guy, outsmarted by a minority.
2010-06-21 11:46:17 UTC
One local station calls itself MIKE FM and claims to play everything,
of course it is all BS.
2010-06-22 04:51:43 UTC
Post by stonej
One local station calls itself MIKE FM and claims to play everything,
of course it is all BS.
Amen, Sj!

little bo peep
2010-06-22 03:51:56 UTC
On Jun 20, 8:02 am, "I NEED TO KNOW"
With commercial radio, you really don't hear formats such as House,
bluegrass, and jam music/bands for example. They're such specialty music.
You would probably be happier with an XM Radio/Sirius setup - see the
channels at

Note that channel 14 plays bluegrass 24/7, channel 80 plays
progressive house 24/7, channel 56 plays jam bands 24/7, etc.
Jim Rockford, P.I.
2010-06-23 05:44:42 UTC
On Jun 20, 8:02 am, "I NEED TO KNOW"
x-no-archive: yes
Radio stations play the same songs because people want them to. What? Well,
that's what the Program Directors and Djs will tell you. It's all based on
research statistics and advertising. People like what's familiar. And that's
how commercial radio make their money: research, advertising, and 'knowing'
the consumer.
People complain about hearing the same music over and over on the radio, but
still tune in to the same stations. Why? Because they don't know any better.
After college, most people don't have the time to go to concerts and shows,
and consume music as they did when they were younger. Jobs, families,
schedules -- life get in the way. And after college, if people do buy music,
or go to concerts and shows, it's usually what they're familiar with. As
time goes on, they might start to feel a little old. And these are the
people who might be a bit more willing to see shows at larger venues, and
pay higher prices. After a while, paying attention to any 'scenes' or trends
might not be as important, or they start losing touch of the underground (if
that's what they were into). They still might consume music via buying CDs,
file sharing (i.e. Limewire), or Itunes, but the music seems to become more
commerical. And commerical radio, all dressed up in what's 'hot', supported
by its research, study such trends. Just like other industries, commercial
radio uses marketing research and statistics to advertise to the consumer.
Most people don't listen to the radio, or at least the same station for more
than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. If they do, it's usually passively, either
at work, on the way to work, school, or wherever. And even if people will be
listening to music for a longer period of time, it's usually via CDs, or MP3
Research tools such as Arbitron, look at age groups and gender. 18 - 34 year
olds ('age of consumption'), will consume music differently than younger
people, or 35 - 55 year olds. And this is part of how media companies
determine music formats in a market (city or town). Media companies and
radio stations also research attitudes and interests of the consumer, with
companies such as Scarborough. These companies research the consumer's
activities, ethnicity, income level, etc. And once the media company has a
good 'profile' of the consumer, then their projected research tells them how
to market and advertise to that consumer, in nice, majority-based packaging.
That's why, despite different formats in commercial radio, no matter where
you go in the country, most commercial radio will sound similar, or the
So, why do commercial radio play the same songs all of the time? Research.
People seem to like the familiar. Many people, if they go to a bar, or some
place where there is live music, seem to request, or play the most popular
and familiar songs. And (commercial) radio is only reflecting that.
As someone who's been in college radio, studied communication and media, and
did radio sales and advertising for commercial stations for Clear Channel, I
heard that question repeatedly. Here's another angle. Music labels usually
send radio stations singles. They may also send the full CD. But if they do,
they are instructed -- encouraged by the label, what song to push, I mean
play. Djs don't play what they want. Those days are long gone.  The Program
Director programs the music, and the schedule. The Dj does announcements,
push buttons to play commercials (especially if there is not a board
operator), tries to sound cool, and make talent appearances, often at an
advertiser's event, usually set up by the Account Executive (radio sales
rep.). The most popular music is played during 'drive times' (6A - 10A; 3 -
7P), when most people are going to, and coming from work, and/or school.
These are also when advertising rates are at their premium. 7P - Midnight,
and overnight (Midnight - 6A), is when you might here 'deeper' cuts, or less
popular music. Specialty programs are usually played during these times as
well. Advertising rates are the cheapest. Audience size just isn't there.
There's an old saying in college radio. People who love music don't listen
to the radio. No matter how much commercial radio say, or pretend that
they're different, it's the same old crap, different pile. Most people who
love music, and happen to listen to radio, usually listen to to left end of
the dial. This is where college radio, NPR (National Public Radio), and
'independent' radio usually is. There is where you most likely will hear
more non-commercial and local artists, 'deeper' cuts, and more independent,
and varied formats. You might actually get the song that you requested,
actually played on the radio. The Dj usually has more freedom of choice what
to play as well.
With commercial radio, you really don't hear formats such as House,
bluegrass, and jam music/bands for example. They're such specialty music.
But who knows, the industry probably hasn't learned how to market them
effectively yet. Those audiences tend to be fiercely independent. It took
the industry a while to hook independently minded 'alternative' music such
as punk and hardcore. After they did, the industry very skillfully packaged
it, marketed it, stamped it with a label, sold it, put it on commercial
radio and TV, and made a whole lifestyle and culture out of it (i.e.
X-Games, MTV, etc.). And commercial radio reflects that lifestyle.
But this happens. Just as the industry finds something once underground and
raw as Elvis, Nirvana and Tupac, they find a way to package and market it to
the masses, while the underground cries foul, and move on to something else.
And that's the beauty of tools like internet and satellite radio. There's a
real choice. Perhaps this is why those who really love music, don't listen
to commercial radio; there really isn't much choice. Perhaps it's a very
snobbish, and elistist thing to say, but listening to commercial radio is
really like the same old crap, just a different pile.
Shabazz Wilson
When there are SO many fabulous tunes outside of the Top 30 but inside
the Hot 100, it is a sin to be playing the same old worn-out Top 500
rotation over and over and over again. There is a wealth of songs from
the 50s to the 80s that are not played on the radio.

Bring back Boss programming!!!!
